You have finally made the decision to be a blogger. Congratulations! As you start this career, you need to have the right tools, aside from having the knack for it. And what is a blogger without a computer? It is like a soldier without a gun. So the first thing you do is to arm yourself with the right tool from the get-go.
When choosing the right computer, you have to think about being able to work from place to place. Compared to a desktop, a laptop is a better choice. Not only that, you have to consider the tasks you need to perform when blogging. So when you look at the specs of a laptop, mull over what you will use and need it for.
To make it easy for you to decide, we have shortlisted the best choices of Laptops for Bloggers in 2019 for you.
Microsoft Surface Pro 4
Big things come in small packages definitely applies to this. With a 12.3” screen, it is quite convenient to carry around. Even if you work all day, the low glare will not cause eyestrain. Powered by Intel’s i7 processor, it boasts of 16GB RAM and 1TB of storage. Perfect to save all those photos and videos you need to edit and save. If that does not cut it, let its sweet tablet form lure you in. How is that for a laptop?
Apple Macbook Air 13-inch laptop
Everybody wants an Apple gadget so why not an Apple Macbook Air? It has 1.6 to 2.7 Ghz, 4GB RAM, 128GB of storage, and powered by Intel’s i5 dual-core processor. It is light and portable, with its 13-inch screen. You can easily write your blogs, edit pictures and videos, and perform other tasks. It is a great choice for the multitasker in you.
Acer Aspire R15 Convertible Laptop
This heavy-duty laptop will make sure you will be able to blog to your heart’s content without any hitches, glitches, or lag. Powered by Intel’s Core i7, which works at 2.7 GHz, saying that this baby is fast is an understatement. It’s got 12GB RAM with 256GB of storage. It runs for 9 hours without charging. No need to squint as you type with its 15.6” full HD IPS display screen. But wait! There is more! It boasts of a touchscreen and you can convert it into a tablet. The 2Gb NVIDIA GeForce 940MX graphics card is definitely the icing to the cake as it gives you excellent lag-free performance as you play video games.